

We are a Ger­man manu­fac­tu­rer of washers in a varie­ty of mate­ri­als and have been pro­du­cing them for more than 100 years at our site in Plet­ten­berg, Germany.

from clas­sic to green


In addi­ti­on to the clas­sic washer in a wide varie­ty of qua­li­ty clas­ses, we have num­e­rous dra­wing and stam­ped parts in our pro­gram, the tools for which we design and manu­fac­tu­re in our in-house tool shop.

Tra­di­tio­nal­ly, we not only manu­fac­tu­re the parts in steel and heat-trea­ted steel, but also par­ti­cu­lar­ly effi­ci­ent­ly in brass, cop­per and aluminium.

Our pro­ducts are used in screw who­le­sa­le with con­nec­ted C‑parts manage­ment and espe­ci­al­ly in fas­tening tech­no­lo­gy. We also sup­p­ly num­e­rous cus­to­mers in the DIY sec­tor or in the sani­ta­ry and instal­la­ti­on industry.

In recent years we have incre­asing­ly pro­du­ced access­ories for the com­mer­cial vehic­le and agri­cul­tu­ral machi­nery indus­try as well as in the field of elec­tro­mo­bi­li­ty and green technology.

our pro­ducts

At an ear­ly stage, we began to con­ti­nuous­ly expand our pro­duct port­fo­lio and spe­cia­li­zed on a broad spec­trum of mate­ri­als that are sui­ta­ble for stam­ping. Today, we can offer steel washers in various hard­ness clas­ses and sup­p­ly DIN and ISO washers made of brass, cop­per and aluminum.

We also manu­fac­tu­re pen­ny washers and hin­ge rings made of steel and brass or cup washers made of brass.

In order to com­ple­te our ran­ge, we can pro­vi­de the parts with a Cr-VI-free coating. 

in the overview


modern tech­no­lo­gy

All requi­red tools are desi­gned and manu­fac­tu­red in our in-house tool shop. This results in fast respon­se times and short decis­i­on-making pro­ces­ses in coope­ra­ti­on with our com­pe­tent team, our qua­li­fied sup­pli­ers, and our ser­vice providers. 
Throug­hout the enti­re pro­cess, we can hence gua­ran­tee high and sta­ble qua­li­ty with maxi­mum fle­xi­bi­li­ty and reliability. 

Wal­ter Lum­berg Logistics


We focu­sed on sus­tainable and envi­ron­men­tal­ly fri­end­ly pack­a­ging ear­ly on and use boxes or car­tons made from 100% was­te paper for around 95% of our packaging.

Take advan­ta­ge of this and also sup­port our glo­bal efforts to redu­ce the amount of pla­s­tic packaging.

The fol­lo­wing pack­a­ging opti­ons are gene­ral­ly available.

Card­board pack­a­ging (PU: 10 – 15 kg)
Box pack­a­ging (PU: 0.5 – 5 kg)
Bag pack­a­ging (PU: 0.1 – 2 kg)

In recent years we have mas­si­ve­ly expan­ded our pack­a­ging opti­ons accor­ding to cus­to­mer spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons and use high-per­for­mance ser­vice pro­vi­ders who can packa­ge accor­ding to your wis­hes in your Car­ry out boxes with your label for us at short notice.

We have suf­fi­ci­ent sto­rage space available at our loca­ti­on and can the­r­e­fo­re fall back on more than 1,500 spaces for Euro pal­lets. Clear labe­l­ing of sto­rage loca­ti­ons with QR codes and pack­a­ging with bar­codes are a mat­ter of cour­se in con­nec­tion with a modern ERP system.

Our Qua­li­ty

The QM sys­tem intro­du­ced in 1998 based on ISO 9001:2015 was suc­cessful­ly che­cked by the Swe­dac cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on com­pa­ny in Novem­ber 2022.

All coils are mark­ed with the neces­sa­ry infor­ma­ti­on as soon as the raw mate­ri­als are recei­ved. so that with the use of our ERP soft­ware it is pos­si­ble at any time to trace the manu­fac­tu­red pro­ducts back to the pri­ma­ry material.


Mar­cus Kau­ke
Gene­ral Mana­ger
Purcha­sing + Technology

Tel. +49 (0) 23 91 95 62–44


Bir­git Seli­ger
Gene­ral Mana­ger
Finan­cing + Personnel

Tel.    +49 (0) 23 91–95 62–46


Hol­ger See­ling
Sales Mana­ger

Tel. +49 (0) 23 91 95 62–43


Uwe Pie­trus­ky

Tel.    +49 (0) 23 91–95 62–40


Mar­tin Rath
Tech­ni­cal Manager

Tel. +49 (0) 23 91 95 62–47
